

I’m assuming that if you are reading this, it is because you are curious to learn more about Ren. For those of you who don’t know, my name is Stane Holman, and I enjoy writing. It’s my intention to document Renee’s endeavors going forward, so I’ve taken it upon myself to tell her story. I’ve known Renee since the turn of the century, so I do my best to remain unbiased and neutral. Our worlds collided when Renee and myself met at work over twenty years ago! It was a whirlwind romance resulting in marriage and two wonderful children! Although Renee affirms that I was a good husband/father, I acknowledge that I fell completely short as far as our marriage was concerned. As the children grew into adulthood, my devotion to Renee foundered, causing me to seek happiness in the arms of another woman. To add insult to injury, I divorced Renee for the other woman, to whom I’m currently married.

As best as I can figure, I failed to meet the expectations of the new bride, so she abruptly threw me out of her life! At the stroke of midnight on July the fifth, my current wife helped me to unload her truck! I found myself standing alone in the moonlight, in Renee’s driveway, with my meager possessions strewn about at my feet. I silently witnessed the tail-lights of the F-150, as my newlywed bride rounded the bend and vanished from my life.

I have bi-polar disorder, coupled with poor impulse control, meaning I have burned all of my bridges. and because of this I am teetering on the brink of homelessness. My parents have passed away, and my siblings have long since grown tired of my destructive antics. Renee, being a pillar of extreme kindness, opted to take me in. I have been residing in her utility room ever since. To quote Renee, I am ‘finding myself.”

I’m assuming that if you are reading this, it is because you are curious to learn more about Ren. It is my intention to support her through my writing and provide curious readers with a window into her mind, and to document my experiences with this amazing woman. To accomplish this, I will continue to share anecdotes in an attempt to present her amazing journey.